Documentation/Pending Tasks

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Revision as of 14:32, 1 February 2009 by Rahaeli (Talk | contribs)

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Before we get started

Administrative type stuff that needs to get done first.

  • Contributor License Agreement: Everyone who's going to be writing or editing documentation or site copy of any sort needs to sign one of these and return it to Denise before they can do so.
  • FAQ categories: We need to decide what the overall structure of the FAQ is going to be. What categories are we going to have? How are we going to order them?
  • Zilla items: These include minor updates to the FAQ and translation system. Ideally, we don't want to start writing anything until these updates are in place.
  • Guide to the FAQ and translation systems: It would be nice if someone who is familiar with these from working with them on LJ could write up a guide to using them for our volunteers who will be coming into this without any of that familiarity.
  • Mock up design for guides: With guides especially, we want consistency in appearance, especially since we're incorporating back/forward/top navigation which we'll be applying manually. Ideally, we should find someone with design skills and ask them to help create a consistent and non-ugly look for these (within the confines of the FAQ system. Possibly consider simple graphics for the navigation? -- [info]phoenixdreaming is working on this.
  • Guides ideas: We need to decide which guides we want to write, and -- more importantly at this point -- which ones should be our priority to get done before open beta launch.

Before open beta

The first stages of actually writing stuff.

  • FAQ: We want to have the broad skeleton of categories in place, together with answers to basic questions, at least.
  • Guides: We want to get some of the most important guides written early.
  • Knowledge bases: None of these need to be written at this point.
  • Site copy: We want to get all of this rewritten at this stage.
  • Copy editing: All site copy and user documentation written in this stage needs to be proof read as wel.

Long term

Everything that can wait until after we're launched.

  • All other documentation
  • Complete overhaul of doc back end