FAQ - header or background image

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How do I add a header or background image to my journal?

Choose the image you want to use as a header or background image. The image should be on the Internet, not on your own computer, and should be hosted on a site that allows hotlinking (direct loading from another web page).

Use your browser to find the URL of the image itself. The direct URL of an image usually ends in .jpg, .png or .gif (not .html). Copy that URL into a text editor.

Select the basic style you want, as explained in this FAQ. Then use Customize Selected Theme button to open the Customize wizard, and choose the style tab.

Navigate to the Images section of the tab. Paste your image URL into the appropriate text box. Page sets the image as a background for the whole journal, Header sets a header image to appear at the top of your journal, and other sections set a background image for a particular part of your journal.

Each text box comes with a menu to let you choose the position of your image, and whether you want it to repeat or appear only once. The don't tile option is useful for a banner you want as a header. The tile options let you use a repeating pattern.