LJ features not in Dreamwidth

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Revision as of 01:14, 12 April 2009 by Azurelunatic (Talk | contribs)

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Some features LJ has aren't going to be available in Dreamwidth, at least at launch. (See also: Dreamwidth_changes_from_LJ


Maintaining and documenting S1 is a lot of work.

Photo hosting

Technical reasons; hope to add eventually with better service integration.


Never came out of beta on LJ, not much interest.

Phone posts

Expense, would need to rewrite the technology. Someday.


Same as phone posts.

Snap.com previews

Better off dead. People who like them can install Snap.com's technology on their browser anyway.


We're not in the business of getting Brad laid. (and sadly it never worked for the rest of us)

LiveJournal.app iPhone/iPod Touch Client

It's not available to us. Potential replacements include ShoZu and BlogPress if they allow you to specify a URL to post to.


Nudge is the work of the devil.


See also "nudge".