Possible paid community features

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Right now paid community features suck compared to the paid personal journal ones. We need more community-specific paid features! Especially ones that encourage large communities to pay.

  • Community email forward that goes to all the mods.
  • Contact box for all of the mods on the info page that community members could use.
  • Moderation actions log.
  • Group filters within communities. I.e, only people in that filter see and can comment on those posts. Mods can set them up and put people in them. At the VERY least, make it so that mods have a filter to post to. But I could see the filters being pretty useful in other ways -- subgroups within the community. The mods would determine who was in the subgroups. This could be useful for, say, roleplaying communities.
  • More information on users--what time a user joined the community. When their last post was, when their last comment was, total posts/comments in the community.
  • Finer grained moderation abilities in paid communities. We wanted to split this up anyway, I think. "This person can freeze comments." "This person can add/remove tags." "This person can accept members." "This person can work with the style." Smaller communities don't need this as much, but larger ones with multiple mods will. See this.
  • Automatic temporary bannings. Ability to ban someone from commenting/posting for a month. These should be separate -- could make someone not be able to post for a week, or not be able to comment, or both.
  • Ability to set notices for mods -- notify when a certain word or comment has been posted.
  • Possibly allow mods/maintainers to receive comment notifications for the whole community? That might be too much, but there are some notifications that they could find extremely useful, such as "notify me when a post in this community is deleted" and "notify me when a comment in this community is deleted". Some users need a closer watch than others, in which case "notify me when X posts/comments to the community". It's useful to know when somebody joins your comm sometimes even when it has open membership -- "notify me when somebody joins X community".
  • Make chatrooms for DWTalk for paid communities -- available to turn on. Make them member only or moderator only as well, if they like.