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(2016 June)
(Conference Presentations)
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== 2015 June ==  
== 2015 June ==  
* Timeline: [[Dreamwidth_Timeline#June_2015|Open Source Bridge, Portland, OR, USA]]
Timeline: [[Dreamwidth_Timeline#June_2015|Open Source Bridge, Portland, OR, USA]]
* Staff
** <dwuser>sarah</dwuser>
*** [http://opensourcebridge.org/sessions/1498 Calculating Guilt: Using open-source software in forensic DNA testing]
** <dwstaff>karzilla</dwstaff> and <dwstaff>fu</dwstaff>
*** [http://opensourcebridge.org/sessions/1530 How We Learned To Stop Worrying And Love (Or At Least Live With) GitHub]
** <dwstaff>denise</dwstaff>
*** [http://opensourcebridge.org/sessions/1463 When Your Codebase Is Nearly Old Enough To Vote]
** <dwstaff>misskat</dwstaff>
*** [http://opensourcebridge.org/sessions/1575 Write It Down: Process Documentation from the Ground Up]
*** [http://opensourcebridge.org/sessions/1576 From the Inside Out: How Self-Talk Affects Your Community]
* Non-Staff
** <dwuser>azurelunatic</dwuser>
*** [http://opensourcebridge.org/sessions/1532 Community Moderation: you can't always halt a flamewar with one raised eyebrow (but it rarely hurts to try)]
* Friends
** Alex Byrne
*** [http://opensourcebridge.org/sessions/1441 The Public Library As An (Almost) Open Source Institution]
** Sumana Harihareswara
*** [http://opensourcebridge.org/sessions/1433 HTTP Can Do That?!]
** Frances Hocutt
*** [http://opensourcebridge.org/sessions/1682 A Developer's-Eye View of API Client Libraries]
** <dwuser>emceeaich</dwuser>
*** [http://opensourcebridge.org/sessions/1669 Desigining for Renaming]
** Asheesh Laroia
*** [http://opensourcebridge.org/sessions/1527 Five years, 1000 students: The story of Open Source Comes to Campus]
*** [http://opensourcebridge.org/sessions/1528 Economics of Volunteer Labor: Three stories from Debian]
** Jon Pincus
*** [http://opensourcebridge.org/sessions/1608 Building Diverse Social Networks]
** Heidi Waterhouse
*** [http://opensourcebridge.org/sessions/1449 Cassandra at the Keyboard: Whistleblowing at all scales]
== 2016 June ==
== 2016 June ==
* Timeline: [[Dreamwidth_Timeline#June_2016|Open Source Bridge, Portland, OR, USA]] (unofficial conference)
Timeline: [[Dreamwidth_Timeline#June_2016|Open Source Bridge, Portland, OR, USA]] (unofficial conference)
* Staff
** <dwstaff>denise</dwstaff>:
*** [http://opensourcebridge.org/sessions/1702 Hard Problems in Terms of Service Enforcement] & [https://www.dropbox.com/s/c77xcwy9ha7ky72/Hard%20Problems%20in%20ToS%20Enforcement.pdf?dl=0 slides]
* Et Cetera
** <dwuser>azurelunatic</dwuser>
*** [http://opensourcebridge.org/sessions/1831 Yelling As A Service: Adventures in Unofficial QA]
* Friends
** Alex Byrne
*** [http://opensourcebridge.org/sessions/1699 Postcards from the Edge Case: When One Size Doesn't Fit All]
*** [http://opensourcebridge.org/sessions/1705 Librarians and Open Source: We Need Code, Too!]
** Frances Hocutt
*** [http://opensourcebridge.org/sessions/1906 Exit Condition: when to ragequit, raise hell, or duck and cover]
** Emma Humphries
*** [http://opensourcebridge.org/sessions/1703 The Folk Knowledge of Bugzilla]
** Jon Pincus
*** [http://opensourcebridge.org/sessions/1790 Supporting diversity with a new approach to software]
= Articles/Publications =  
= Articles/Publications =  

Revision as of 23:12, 27 May 2017

Occasionally, Dreamwidth owners, contractors, and volunteer staff speak at tech conferences and other such things.

Sometimes those talks are helpful to reference in the future.

Conference Presentations

Collected slides of many, but not all, Dreamwidth-affiliated presentations

2010 January

2015 June

Timeline: Open Source Bridge, Portland, OR, USA

2016 June

Timeline: Open Source Bridge, Portland, OR, USA (unofficial conference)


By Dreamwidth Folks

[info]denise: Mavrix v LiveJournal: a crash course on DMCA immunity

About Dreamwidth

2009-12-23 -- LinuxPlanet: Dreamwidth's Diversity is its Strength