Userprop documentation

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List of userprops from /admin/userprop.bml. (Some of these can be explicitly removed.)

prop description
admin_content_flag Internal flag describing the nature of this journal, set by an admin
adult_content Sets the journal as containing adult content (none, explicit, concepts)
adult_content_reason The reason that the journal is marked as containing adult content
ad_categories User selectable Ad categories
ad_visibility User-selected ad visibility option
aolim AOL IM ScreenName
badpassword If this user has a bad password and should change it
betafeatures_list List of beta features the user is testing
blob_clusterid The ID of the blob cluster user's media resides on.
browselang LJ lang code in ml_langs
city City lived in.
comm_promo_blurb community promo blurb
comm_theme A brief description of the theme of a community
control_strip_color Color to use for the control strip
control_strip_display Display the control strip to the viewer on a specific page
country 2 letter country code
default_copyright Default value to entry prop 'copyright'
disable_comm_promo set to force disable of community promo
dismissed_page_notices Comma-separated list of defined keys for page notices that the user has seen and dismissed
dogeartime unixtime of most recently read friends item. anything greater is new.
dont_load_members Used for large communities to prevent loading and displaying the complete list of members
dupsig_post On each postevent, the dupsig is checked and updated to prevent accidental duplicate posts
emailpost_allowfrom Comma separated list of email addresses allowed to send mail via gateway
emailpost_comments Default comment options for post-by-email entries
emailpost_gallery Default gallery name for post-by-email pictures
emailpost_imgcut Default image cut type for post-by-email images
emailpost_imglayout Default image layout for post-by-email images
emailpost_imgsecurity Default security for post-by-email images
emailpost_imgsize Default image size for post-by-email images
emailpost_pin Numeric or alpha PIN used for posting via email gateway
emailpost_security Default security for post-by-email entries
emailpost_userpic Default userpic for post-by-email entries
entry_draft Backup of a user's most recent unposted entry
entry_editor Editor that should be used when creating a new entry
esn_has_managed User has managed ESN subscriptions
esn_inbox_default_expand Default expanded state of ESN inbox items
exclude_from_verticals Set to true of the user should be excluded from entry aggregations.
external_foaf_url Location of External FOAF file
fb_num_pubpics Number of Public Fotobilder Pictures
friendspagetitle Base Title of Friends Page
gender F: female, M: male, O: other, U: unspecified
gizmo Gizmo VoIP account ID
google_talk Google's 'Talk' Service address
hide_adult_content What type of adult content to hide on journal views that have entries (values: none, concepts, explicit)
howhear How the user heard about LiveJournal
icbm Of form 45.2343,-102.2352
icq ICQ Number
import_job Current import jobid
init_bdate Birthdate user enters for age verification
interest_ids_blob Packed blob of a user's interest ids (4 bytes per id)
jabber Jabber address (username@server)
journaldomain Domain which will load user's journal
journalsubtitle Subtitle of Journal
journaltitle Base Title of Journal
journal_box_entries Show journal boxes between entries on journal views with entries; overrides journal_box_placement userprop
journal_box_placement Specifies whether to use the horizontal or vertical box(es) in S2 layouts
last_fm_user LastFM user account name
latest_optout Opt out of latest.bml, latest-rss.bml, and latest-img.bml if on.
legal_tosagree Comma separated: Unix time user agreed to the Terms of Service, revision number
mailencoding Encoding in which to mail comments to the user. Defaults to UTF-8.
moderated 1: This community is moderated
msn MSN Username
newesteventtime Time (user-side) of the user's last entry in their personal journal
newpost_minsecurity Minimal security for new events; values are: public, private or friends
nonmember_posting True if this community allows non-member posting access
no_mail_alias If true, mail to user's site email address isn't forwarded to their real address.
opt_bdaymail 0: don't get birthday reminder mail, 1: do get birthday reminder mail
opt_blockrobots 1: don't allow robots, 0: do
opt_comminvitemail Y = send email, else don't.
opt_communityjoinemail N = send no email, D = send daily digest, else send email always.
opt_comm_promo set to force disable of community promo
opt_ctxpopup Show contextual popup
opt_embedplaceholders Y/N choice regarding whether lj-template tag embedded object should be hidden behind a placeholder.
opt_exclude_from_verticals User option for whether their entries should be excluded from verticals. Can be set to "none" (explicit off) or "entries". Undef = "none", but not explicit.
opt_exclude_stats 1: don't include user when using offsite hit tracker
opt_findbyemail Y - Findable, N - Not findable, H - Findable but identity hidden
opt_getselfemail 1 = send poster comments they make, else don't.
opt_getting_started Show Getting Started widget
opt_hidefriendofs 0: show friendofs, 1: hide friendofs
opt_hidememberofs 0: show memberofs, 1: hide memberofs
opt_imagelinks height: specifies maximum image size on a user's friends page. 0 for either field replaces all images.
opt_ljcut_disable_friends LJCUT disabled in friends view
opt_ljcut_disable_lastn LJCUT disabled in lastn and day views
opt_logcommentips N: No, S: some (anonymous), A: all
opt_maxpicheight Maxium picture height to be shown in journal before being linkitized. 0: for no max
opt_maxpicwidth Maxium picture width to be shown in journal before being linkitized. 0: for no max
opt_maxwordlength Maxium word length before forced word breaks. 0: for no max
opt_nctalklinks Show number of comments in URL
opt_nomodemail 1: do not send moderation emails, 0: default, send them
opt_notalkicons 1: no forum icons shown, 0: default, show them
opt_no_nudge Disable Friend Nudges
opt_no_quickreply Disable QuickReply
opt_sharebday User selected security setting to determine who can see birthday info
opt_showbday User selected security setting to show birthday
opt_showljtalk User selected setting for showing (Y) or hiding (N) the LJ Talk field on their profile
opt_showlocation User selected security setting to show location
opt_showmutualfriends Boolean: 1 means show only mutual friends on your userinfo page, 0 (default) means to use the standard mode of showing everybody.
opt_showonlinestatus Show online status to Everyone(Y), Mutual Friends(F) or Nobody(N).
opt_showschools Show school info on userinfo Y: everyone, F: friends only N: don't show
opt_showtopicstuff Y: include links to topic directory, N: don't.
opt_show_captcha_to Show CAPTCHA before posting a comment to: A=All, N=No one, F=non-Friends, R=anonymous users
opt_stylealwaysmine 1: always use user journal style when viewing any journal
opt_stylemine 1: use journal style when commenting on other journals from friends page
opt_synlevel How much content to put into syndication (Atom/RSS) feeds; values are: title, summary, or friends
opt_tagpermissions User defined permissions for tags. Format of prop: "add,control". (Who can add tags, who can manage tags.) Format of both is one of "public","private","friends","group:N" where N is the group id.
opt_usermsg Options for allowing who can send a message to a user
opt_usesharedpic 1: friends view uses shared pictures, 0: uses poster's picture
opt_weblogscom 1: ping with updates
opt_whatemailshow N: none, A: actual, L: livejournal, B: both
opt_whoscreened Screen new comments: A=All, N=None, F=from non-Friends, R=from non-users
pingback (O)pen - all links from post should be processed with PingBack. (L)iveJournal - only leading to/from (D)isabled - pingbacks disabled.
portalinit Has the user had their portal initialized yet?
profile_collapsed_headers Comma-separated list of header ids that should start out collapsed when the user is viewing any profile.
public_key Public key used for email gateway signature verification
renamedto Username of other journal to redirect to, if u.statusvis=="R"
rl_syncitems_getevents_loop Keep track of syncitems lastupdate value & time for last two getevent+syncitems requests, checking for loops from broken clients.
rssparseerror Records the error message when RSS parsing fails
s1_calendar_style The style ID# of the S1 style for the calendar view.
s1_confirmed Unix time at which the user confirmed that they want to use S1 instead of S2.
s1_day_style The style ID# of the S1 style for the day view view.
s1_friends_style The style ID# of the S1 style for the friends view page.
s1_lastn_style The style ID# of the S1 style for the recent entries view.
s2_style S2 Styleid to use
safe_search Safe search filtering settings -- "none" means no filtering, otherwise it's a number, and the greater the number the more filtering occurs
schemepref BML scheme name
scheme_manually_set Unix time at which site scheme has been explicitly set by the user
show_control_strip Show a control strip on your journal or community
show_graphic_previews Show graphic previews when hovering over external links on your journal or community.
sidx_bdate Index to speed directory searches. Only present if opt_infoshow=Y
sidx_bday For finding all users with a birthday on a certain day of the year, not day with year, format mm-dd
sidx_loc Index to speed directory searches. Format %2s-%s-%s (iso country code, state, city). Only present if opt_infoshow=Y
skype Skype Account ID
sms_carrier SMS carrier
sms_enabled If the user has activated and confirmed their SMS settings
sms_friend_group Default SMS friends page display
sms_perday_notif_limit Notification limit per day by SMS
sms_perpost_notif_limit Notification limit per post per day by SMS
sms_post_notify Does the user want notification of replies to posts made via SMS
sms_yes_means What a "yes" SMS message from the user means
state 2 letter state code, or full state name
stylesys '1' for S1 or '2' for S2. Undefined means site default.
theme_preview_styleid Style ID for the style used to preview themes on the customize page. Undefined means no style has been created yet.
third_party_notify_list: Comma-separated list of third-party services that should be notified when a user takes an action.
timezone User's default timezone
trusted_s1 User's trusted S1 style ids
underage_status Notes about underage status; Y: underage due to birthday; C: underage due to cookie.
url URL of website
urlname Name of website
view_control_strip View control strip on all journals
who_invited Username of the person who invited this user
yahoo Yahoo ID
zip 5 digit zip code (if in US)