XML-RPC Protocol

From Dreamwidth Notes
Revision as of 03:09, 23 September 2010 by Foxfirefey (Talk | contribs)

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We are in the process of converting over the LJ XML-RPC protocols documentation and revising it for our implementation.


This would talk about how to use XML-RPC from various languages...


The protocol is still in flux due to the change from LJ's friends system to Dreamwidth's subscription and access system. Not all of these methods have been pushed live yet, but the code has been committed.

Deprecated Methods

  • checkfriends -- Checks to see if the user's friends list has been updated since a specified time. Temporarily disabled, to be aliased to new method "checksubscriptions" once that method is written.
  • editfriends -- Deprecated, use editcircle instead.
  • editfriendgroups -- Deprecated, use editcircle instead.
  • getfriendgroups -- Deprecated, use gettrustgroups instead.