Routing and Template Cookbook: Including resources

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Specifying needed CSS/JS files

[%- CALL dw.active_resource_group( 'jquery' ) -%]
[%- dw.need_res( 'stc/kitten.css' ) -%]
[%- dw.need_res( 'js/ponies.js' ) -%]
[%- dw.need_res( { group => 'jquery' }, 'js/sparkle.js' ) -%]

Note: ignore the first and last if your page doesn't use jQuery.

For CSS, remember to use the standardized classes as much as possible.

Adding code to the head

Use this section code to add things to the head of the page.

[% sections.head = BLOCK %]
<style type="text/css">
dt { font-size: bigger; font-weight: bold; margin-bottom: .2em; }
dd { margin-bottom: 1em; }
[% END  # sections.head %]