List of reserved subdomains
From Dreamwidth Notes
Revision as of 17:05, 6 March 2009 by Zvi-likes-tv (Talk | contribs)
This is a list of possible subdomains suggested for reservation for DW or other installation's future use.
- about
- abuse -- support category
- account(s) -- support category email among other things
- admin
- administrator(s)
- api
- atom
- b
- board
- bookmark(s)
- bot(s)
- bugs
- calendar
- chat
- code
- comment(s)
- community/ies -- Used for communities
- contact
- contributors
- coppa
- copyright
- css
- cssproxy -- Used by the CSS filterer
- customize / customise
- data
- dev / developer(s)
- diversity
- dmca
- download
- dreamwidth
- dw
- ^dw_.*$
- email / e-mail
- embedded -- for embedding outside content
- ^ex_.*$ -- For auto-renamed accounts
- example / exampleusername / examplecommunity / exampleopenid / examplesyn/ examplesyndicated
- explore
- ^ext_.*$ -- if Dreamwidth uses the same naming scheme for OpenID accounts
- faq(s)
- favorite(s) / favourite(s)
- .*_feed$ -- postpend to feeds on creation
- feed(s)
- feedback
- forum(s)
- friend(s)
- general -- support category
- gift
- guide(s)
- hack
- home
- help
- hostmaster
- im
- image(s)
- inbox
- index
- invite
- irc
- jabber
- jobs
- knowledgebase / knowledge-base / kb
- legal
- lj
- livejournal
- m / mobile
- manage
- map
- media
- memory / memories
- merchandise
- messages
- my
- news
- official
- pay / paid / payment
- picture(s)
- policy
- portal
- post
- postmaster
- press
- principles
- privacy / private
- profile
- root
- rss
- search
- setting
- school(s)
- shop
- sitemap
- ssl
- staff
- status
- stat(s) / statistics -- stat is used by Perlbal
- store
- style(s)
- support
- ^support_.*$
- .*_support$
- syn / syndicated
- system / ssytem (evidently there's a story about that typo)
- tag(s)
- team(s)
- ticket(s)
- tool(s)
- tos / termsofservice
- update
- upgrade(s)
- upi -- support category
- user(s)
- username(s)
- userpic(s)
- volunteer(s)
- webmaster -- also the support category
- wiki
- www -- for the main site
- www[0-9]+, www-[a-z0-9]+ -- not something we'll likely ever want, but they still show up on some sites, so could possibly be used for spoofs.
- xml