Setting up Dreamwidth on Linode

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These instructions will help you set up Dreamwidth on Linode hosting, brought to you by [info]exor74.


Newark is the best choice for a node location for 2 reasons:

  • Guaranteed 64-bit host
  • Fast internal-network disk image fetch from [info]exor674

There are two ways to set up Dreamwidth on Linode. This guide will show you how to set up a Linux deployment that will support a Dreamwidth installation.

If you want the easiest install, [info]exor674 has made an image you can use. We also, however, have instructions on how to install Dreamwidth on a Linode system from scratch.

Setting up a Linux Deployment

Click on "Deploy a Linux Distribution":


This will bring you to the Linode Distribution Wizard.

  1. Click on "Ubuntu 8.04 LTS 64 Bit"
  2. Enter "3096" as the disk image size if you are going to be using the Dreamwidth Image. Or, if you are planning on installing from scratch, you can use whatever space you have left for this disk image.
  3. Enter "256" for Swap
  4. Enter password, and hit "Create Profile"


Wait for it to complete, and then hit "Create new disk image".

  1. Label: "Dreamwidth Image"
  2. Size: "1024"
  3. Filesystem Type: "ext3"
  4. Hit "Create Disk"


  1. Click on "Ubuntu 8.04 LTS 64 Bit Profile"
  2. Set /dev/xvdc to "Dreamwidth Image", and hit "Save Profile"


Go to the "Network" tab, and click on "Add Private IP".


And take note of the text after "eth0"--this is your node's public IP--and the text under "for manual configuration"--your private network IP.


Getting into the node

Go back to the "Dashboard" tab, hit "Boot", and wait for the task to complete. Open your SSH client and SSH to root@noted eth0 address, and enter your root password:


Tada! You are now logged in and can issue commands.

Installing from scratch

Don't bother with the image and do Dreamwidth Scratch Installation on the profile you created.