S2 Cookbook: Modules

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Revision as of 19:27, 8 November 2010 by Foxfirefey (Talk | contribs)

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Change the order or content of the navigation links

To override the order or content of the navigation module, override this function with the following (note the comments, some options should be removed or changed for unpaid accounts or communities):

# code by ninetydegrees
function print_module_navlinks() {
  var Page p = get_page();
  var string[] navlinks_order = [];
  var string{} navlinks_urls = {};
  var string{} navlinks_text = {};
  $navlinks_order =
        # remove this for unpaid journals
 $navlinks_urls =
        "recent" => "$p.base_url/",
        "archive" => "$p.base_url/calendar",
        "read" => "$p.base_url/read",
        "network" => "$p.base_url/network",
        "tags" => "$p.base_url/tag",
        "memories" => "$*SITEROOT/tools/memories?user=$p.journal.username",
        "custom1" => "http://URL",
        "custom2" => "http://URL",
        "userinfo" => "$p.base_url/profile",
 $navlinks_text =
        "recent" => "$*text_view_recent",
        "archive" => "$*text_view_archive",
        # use $*text_view_friends_comm for communities
        "read" => "$*text_view_friends",
        "network" => "$*text_view_network",
        "tags" => "$*text_view_tags",
        "archive" => "$*text_view_memories",
        "custom1" => "Custom Text",
        "custom2" => "Custom Text",
        "userinfo" => "$*text_view_userinfo",
    open_module("navlinks", "", "");
    var string[] links = [];
    foreach var string k ($navlinks_order) {
        if ($navlinks_urls{$k} != "") {
            var string css = """ class="$k" """;
            if ($p.view == $k) { $css = """ class="current $k" """; }
            $links[size $links] = """<a href="$navlinks_urls{$k}"$css>$navlinks_text{$k}</a>""";