Talk:Programming Guidelines

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Revision as of 01:20, 4 July 2009 by (Talk)

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A few things:

  • I like 80 as the line length limit, not 120. (I can see a point for a longer limit in actual statements, which may be what you meant, but for comments, 80 is (IMO) better.)
  • "&foo;" should probably be rewritten as "foo();" unless there's a reason why it needs to remain that way. (And if there's a reason, it should be explained in code.)
  • There should be a reference for <LJFUNC> function interface definitions. Or a decision to do away with them. If we keep them, adding them should probably be an ongoing clean-up task.

Pauamma 09:04, 14 August 2008 (UTC)

(LJFUNC should die and we should use something that the rest of the world uses, POD. Xb95 today when I wrote this)

dw-nonfree suggested header

   # DW::Sort::Pessimal::Bizarre::ThreeNumbers
   # This module sorts three numbers using absurdly many comparisons.
   # Authors:
   #      J. Random Hacker <>
   # Copyright (c) 2009 by Dreamwidth Studios, LLC.
   # This program is NOT free software or open-source; you can use it as an
   # example of how to implement your own site-specific extensions to the
   # Dreamwidth Studios open-source code, but you cannot use it on your site
   # or redistribute it, with or without modifications.

suggested dw-free header for overhauled LJ code

Existing/originally LJ code with major changes should use this header (With the "no parent code remains" dependent on how has been changed):

# LJ::Setting::NCTalkLinks
# LJ::Setting module for choosing whether or not to add ?nc=XX to the 
# end of entry links, forcing the link color back to unread if the 
# comment count changes.
# Authors:
#      Denise Paolucci <>
# Copyright (c) 2009 by Dreamwidth Studios, LLC.
# The original version of this program was authored by
# and distributed under the terms of the license supplied by LiveJournal Inc,
# which can be found at:
# This program has since been wholly rewritten by Dreamwidth Studios.
# No parent code remains.
# This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the same terms as Perl itself.  For a copy of the license, please reference
# 'perldoc perlartistic' or 'perldoc perlgpl'.

Existing/originally LJ code with minor changes may get a header, once we figure out an appropriate one. 01:20, 4 July 2009 (UTC)