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The OPML file format is made to be a list of feeds. Many feed readers can export and import OPML files.
Note: OPML files should have a userspace /data URL.

The OPML file can be found for each personal and identity account here:


There are some options to the OPML generation, too, that can be added to the URL in the form of &option=value:

  • The ability to have auth=digest appended to every feed (auth=digest)
  • The ability to have a username instead of the journal title, which goes in the format "username (SITEABBREV)" (title=username)
  • The ability to have show=P and show=C work as filters, like on reading pages (show=P or show=C) [TODO: Make it more like the show on filters, allow filtering by syndicated accounts and by account type combinations.]