Support Board

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In order to test changes to non-publically-viewable sections of the Support Board, you need to grant the appropriate Privileges to the accounts you wish to use for testing.

The System account ([info]system) is initially granted the priv admin:* when you run This enables [info]system to grant privileges to itself and any other account, via the Admin console using the command priv grant. All other privileges must be granted manually.

Logged-out Support requests are disabled by default to minimise spam. If you want to enable logged out Support requests, find the line in /etc/ that reads

loggedout_support_requests => 1

and change the 1 to 0.

To change the validation reminder, which is added to support answers when the logged-in user didn't validate their email address, go to /admin/fileedit on your Dreamhack and create or edit a file called validationreminder with the desired content, which will likely include a link to the relevant FAQ on your Dreamhack. This requires the editing user to have the priv fileedit:validationreminder or fileedit:*.