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* [[Community Wishlist]]
* [[Community Wishlist]]
* [[Syndication Wishlist]]
* [[Syndication Wishlist]]
* [[Watching Wishlist]]
* [[Trusting Wishlist]]
* [[Friending Wishlist]]
* [[WTF Wishlist]] (Watching, Trusting, Friending)
* [[WTF Wishlist]] (Watching, Trusting, Friending)
* [[OpenID Wishlist]]
* [[OpenID Wishlist]]

Revision as of 03:20, 10 January 2009

Everything from [info]suggestions that doesn't totally suck. (IE: anything non-obsolete, non-reactionary, and not related to details of LiveJournal.com's business plan and not LiveJournal-the-service).

(Built over time, la la la, categorize however y'all find appropriate...)

Months from [info]suggestions that have already been mined for useful suggestions:

  • None yet.
  • November '08 - ursamajor - in progress
  • October '08 - principia_coh - in progress
  • September '08 - Magycmyste - in progress


This would be fairly easy to implement if actually wanted.

  • http://community.livejournal.com/suggestions/891542.html - Revamp Memories - "should feel like a cross between delicious and inbox management;" specifically, put categories/keywords on the left and memorified links on the right. Better ability to bulk edit/rename/move between memories cats. Better ability to see/find uncategorized memories. Add the ability to add a note to a memory, a la delicious?

Service-specific markup

  • http://community.livejournal.com/suggestions/350836.html -- List of pre-defined people and/or entities that could be linked to in a way similar to another local-service user, except this would be defined per-journal by the user, for example, <lj cast="mymom">. Link would go to sub-page belonging to user, the space defined for "mymom", where the user could provide all the relevant explanation of the person and/or entity "mymom".


- 1. Don't allow blank PMs to be sent. - 2. LJ form completion behavior - should be internally consistent, yes (PM form behavior mirrors Tag form behavior, for example - but should also be consistent with external standard form behavior?

http://community.livejournal.com/suggestions/890016.html - refresh message count in headers when deleting messages in inbox (only on the page where the messages were deleted from, not cross-tab or cross-window)

http://community.livejournal.com/suggestions/890470.html - need a better process for spam removal - fewer clicks, able to remove in bulk.

http://community.livejournal.com/suggestions/890784.html = allow unformatted links in the inbox to be clickable.



  • http://community.livejournal.com/suggestions/881651.html -- Make anchor tags on the 'allpics' page so that when someone clicks on an icon associated with a post or comment for more information it takes you to that specific icon rather than putting you at the top of a page that may have almost 200 icons on it.


Account Creation

Account Deletion

Communities: Community Maintenance/Moderation

  • http://community.livejournal.com/suggestions/892471.html - Add "notes" section for maints/mods. Could be achieved several ways - additional fields on /manage/banusers.bml (for each displayed user, show: user, date/time of banning; in comms, show who did banning and allow notes field for); allow private posts to comm which would only be visible to maints/mods?

External Services


Site Schemes


  • http://community.livejournal.com/suggestions/882211.html -- enable sorting of Support requests by ones that have no response yet. Counter-suggestions include letting a volunteer tag a request as one they don't want to look at again (e.g., if it's one they know has been answered adequately).




Et cetera